السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

Rome: toss your money in the fountain Trretna before to tell her« Chao »!

When the plane landed Us Airways on the land of Leonardo da Vinci Airport or the International (Fiumicino) as he calls the people of Rome and Dlva to the airport building, I imagined I was in a country that is not a source of income, tourism. Italy has one of the most prominent tourist stations in the world, visiting Rome alone, more than ten million tourists a year, but that the airport at the height of the tourist season during the month of June, it seemed almost empty and the movement which is slow, as were not loudspeakers announce the cessation or The arrival of flights only occasionally.
In what may cast some blame on global economic conditions, which clearly influenced the movement in global travel and the flow of tourists, it was convenient for me somewhat. Rome is well known that there are almost unbearable in the peak tourist seasons, and where prices are fictional, and will be lucky if any reasonably priced hotel rooms. In this sense Selfish maybe I was relieved, because Rome will be more comfortable this time around, and less crowded, but this satisfaction turned to the antibody in the morning the next day for my arrival to this Eternal City.
The city, which exceeds the population of three million people, do not find the condominium Alstal and glass high-rise construction sites or remained unchanged in the wonderful architecture in order to preserve its image heritage. Streets are narrow and paved with black basalt stones most often, and scooters pass by the hundreds in front of you and you reflect on the one hand to another trot, and free afternoon claustrophobic, and people everywhere. The degree of change of scene between Dubai and Rome stark already! But if you are an amateur archeology, history, Vroma offers you overeat, where towering monuments are still there for thousands of years. Dozens of sites and buildings Tzhrk and takes you back mentally to the era of the Tsars Golden from Alkambidolegu (or Capitol Hill), sits on a hill, and was the seat of the Government of the civilian since the advent of Rome, which enter by the Renaissance artist months Michelangelo (1475 1564), touches through the re-design arena and consummate marble facades of the three palaces located there.
And of course do not want to miss the views of the Colosseum in ancient Rome, a huge building and majestic inaugurated in 80 AD to be the scene of entertainment can accommodate more than 50 thousand spectators and took built about eight years, and was conducted in which offers duel live between combatants even death (Have you seen the movie Gladiator? ).
The Pantheon is a miracle of miracles in architecture and fit-dimensional consistency and is still in good condition since he was a temple of the Gentiles, was built by Agrippa, where the commander of the armies of the tsar Augusreis in 27 BC, and rebuilt the Emperor Hadrian in the second century AD.
And attracts thresholds Spanish located in the Piazza de España Square of thousands of tourists a day to see the grades brilliant and beautiful battleground, which was named as well as relative to the Spanish Embassy to the Vatican, which occupies a place historically in this arena since the seventeenth century. And on these thresholds, you can take a break and take pictures of all angles. In the square in the bottom of the thresholds, there Barkatchea Fountain, which is one of the hundreds of water fountains that you see around Rome, the most famous fountain luck Fontana di Trevi, which reaches across the lane branching from the Rue de Trretna.
This fountain was built in the eighteenth century Baroque style and Antiques by dozens of statues depicting legends of the sea and the fictional creations. This fountain featured in many famous films, including the film «Three coins in the fountain» in 1954, as well as in the Italian film director Federico Fellini's genius «to Adulci Vita». This is the site of the most famous fountains luck in the world, where legend has it that if you wish to return to Rome you have to throw coins in it. According to the Italian escorts, the mayor of Rome gathered tens of thousands of pieces per month for the euro acted on the work, and also donates foreign currency for charitable bodies. I personally wish to return to Rome three times, because I threw three Emirati dirhams where! In addition to the effects of the Rome is a shopper's paradise and a gourmet food, and fortunately it does not exist in Rome shopping centers many, also in Dubai, but you can walk for hours and hours on the roads for watching on the facades of hundreds of small shops scattered here and there, a beautiful experience in itself provided it does not drop off your wife with you! The best it can be bought from Rome, of course, is the leather products, silk and linen clothes, even though the prices are higher than prices of Dubai, but it's worth the price because you will not find like her.
The Italian cuisine is well known, and when in Rome, do not look for restaurants or Arab world because you are so committed a crime against yourself! Italian dishes are simple and few ingredients, and the meat or fish stews usually either fried or grilled. And pasta dishes, fresh There is what they call the Fettuccine (not nearly between him and fattoush!), A vermicelli eggs golden best are with sauce Alrago consisting of tomatoes and meat, and the artichoke (artichoke) Italian is one of the tastiest dishes, especially if requested soup artichoke.
If you are accompanied by Italian dinner, be prepared to sit at the table at least two hours, because dinner is served in four installments lengthy.
During my stay in Rome, landed in San Regis Hotel Group's Starwood, which also operates the Sheraton, a famous landmark of Rome landmarks, reopened in 2000 after a renovation lasted 18 months. The hotel, which does not exceed the century-old is only a few minutes from the upscale street Veneto. The hotel rooms are divided into several models, including the Imperial and Royal and style of Louis XV. Each room with its own identity and the existence of hand-painted oil painting on top of each bed. In this hotel months down the world's stars and talent of its writers, including Emile Zola, French and Russian Tolstoy, who lived in it for many months, and there are the most beautiful dining rooms in Italy and lounge called me restaurantt (ie: the restaurant simply ..).
This hotel is expensive luxury hotels, where the price per night starts from 260 euros and the 134 rooms and 36 suites.
But much of what I heard him decided to also visit the hotel Alxlcior famous domed Victorian white, which is considered a symbol of the people of Rome and her Mdnitha. This hotel was and still is a destination of world celebrities and Hollywood stars, aristocrats and royal families, where you find the car in front of Rolls Royce and Ferrari. Reflect the hotel's front doors into the lobby of a luxury polished adorned with mirrors and oriental carpets and crystal chandeliers and huge graphics for the receipt of the Baroque style

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