السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

City history and art enjoy the spring breeze and hillocks dreamy Florence: Cradle of the European Renaissance and the Museum of Italy

The novel says that the disease rarely has a set symptoms appear at one time called «disease Stendhal» referring to the French writer Henri Stendhal caused by exposure to a dose ample of beauty, it has one sees Panel Tbehrh may even carry it to the perception that life has thrown into which resurrects a loss of balance then faint, and this is what happened to Stendhal when he visited the city of Florence for the first time in the nineteenth century. And had been due to the need for all young Belle wealthy as part of the general culture before her marriage and entering society.
The Florence (or: Verenze firenze in Italian) is one of the three most important cities on the tourist must be had in addition to the contemporary Rome and Venice in order to note the extent of diversity among different regions in Italy. The fact that he can not disappoint any tourist destination wherein Born Renaissance in Europe, which changed the way we look to the modern world because it is full of treasures of art and months paintings that we see in textbooks and museums frequented by hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, and enjoy the atmosphere surrounded by gentle hills and farms and fruit orchards of grapes, and proof River «Arnaud» and it bridges antique from the days of the Roman and medieval and famous «old Bridge» where still sold the most beautiful jewelry and silverware for more than eight hundred years.
Rode the express train (Eurostar) from Rome, heading north in the center of Italy and went to Florence after an hour and a half, and did not exceed the cost of the trip 30 euros (or $ 37) and it was landscape from the window of the train exquisite too, there are the green hills were scattered by cypress trees slender Albasagh , which reminds you of paintings the artist Leonardo da Vinci, especially Aljioknda (Mona Lisa) smiles mysterious, and relieves the reflection of lights sun afternoon light on the hills undulating to exist differentiated fascinating between light and shadow, it is no wonder that senior artists and painters Italians are mesmerized by the beauty of Tuscany and its capital Florence and Regulations long and include Michelangelo and Raphael and da Vinci and Botichelli.
The first thing that struck me after I arrived in Florence that its narrow streets and the doors of the palaces of historical, features art upscale as if the city is a large museum has not changed its thing since the sixteenth century, and I remembered that one Mshaherha is Machiavelli, author of «prince», which was followed by politicians in the logo end justifies the means, but I went back quickly to the fact it has raised the sunset magician on the banks of the River Arno my imagination, and I understood why born love of beauty in Italy of this city, dreamy, not for the influx of millions of tourists to it these days and throw bottles of coca-Cola empty streets archeological.
A glimpse of history
* Hit Florence disorders in the thirteenth century like the rest of the Italian cities scattered at the time, and compete for the verdict supporters of the Pope, who ruled Rome and neighboring provinces and pro-empire Romania holy, Vtpadloa ruled repeatedly and denied their opponents even the great poet Dante one of the fathers of Italian language and author of the book «Divine Comedy », dragged from Florence in 1301 and decided to establish the first artisans Guild early in an effort to rule the country in a way a democratic republic, Fdamt experience of ten years and was a pioneering experiment in the history of the West, because the business class has taken a bold stance against the regime. Florence was funded activities Pope has also established the nearby city and its competitors «Siena» the first bank in the world and was the currency of fluorine international currency in circulation. With the accumulation of wealth and riches have been a boom in the construction of houses, palaces and asked the owners of the two examples of Donatllo and Giberti decorate buildings and palaces and painters Botichelli and Giotto painting to hang them on the walls, and then held concerts in the gardens of the palaces and the back of the art of singing the theater or the opera for the first time in the world then emerged Family powerful Medici in 1430, which provided some of the popes, as well as actual rulers for hundreds of years They encouraged creativity and authorship in the golden age of Vorence days of Lorenzo de Medici, known savvy political patronage and the arts. The revolution in the reign of his son, the Catholic cleric Savonarola, who accused the ruling tyranny, and burned books Medici family and their jewels and their wives hair wigs in public squares. And gone his revolution to the extent that the Pope described as heresy and died burned in 1498 while fuller da Vinci famous painting «Last Supper» and left many people in the country of their city, and settled primarily artist Michelangelo in Rome to paint paintings timeless and adorns the corridors of the Vatican and churches. The Medici family remained in power until 1737 and then underwent Florence to rule France and Austria even after the declaration of the Italian contingent in 1870.
Spring Art
* Spring is the most beautiful seasons to visit Florence and loitering in alleyways, and is watching the shops are small pleasure rare, Valdhuq high and innovation is the title and the curfew which is easy because all you want to see in the hand, either squares must visit Church Square Home (Duomo) and access to the Church huge, which expands to twenty thousand people and adorned with paintings and beautiful colored marbles precious, especially bright white and dark green, and took built one hundred and forty years, from 1296 to the year 1436 and in the museum entrance doors of Paradise sculptor Jiberti will see the public restoration latter to one of the doors in 24 of the current month and the statue «Mercy» famous for Michelangelo. It is necessary to enjoy coffee Kabuchino in months Square in the city, a yard Senyoraa and in front of you old palace which was built in 1299 and was the prison attached to the walls, pictures of wanted criminals to justice, and is now the center of the municipality and the local government as you can see statues wonderful displayed in the outdoor arena, where There are the most important group of statues in Italy from the days of the Renaissance, including the statues sculpted by Michelangelo and Donathelo and Bnfeinoto Celina. The Uffizi museum near you that has the most famous paintings in the world, such as «Spring» and «the birth of Venus» Botichelli to, and compete with the Louvre Museum in Paris. Not completed visit downtown without eating ice cream and gelato (ice cream) Italian known the taste of fresh fruit in the Square of the Republic (Repubblica) from nearby markets and shops.
During the visit to the Palazzo Pitti huge and the headquarters of the family of Medici previously held now (in early June), an exhibition of cutting-edge role of Italian fashion, because do not forget that Gucci and Ferragamo and Cavalli are people of Florence, and compete with stylists Almqublon of Milan such as Armani, Ferre and designer veteran of Rome Valentino , and decides these fashion womenswear, menswear and colors used in the autumn and winter the next. In the municipal theater Maggio Moszekalleh and other displays this month finest operas and business classical music such as opera Tsar «Boris Godunov» to Mosurjski led by Maestro Russian Simon Bychkov, and spare piano musician Frenchman Debussy alzlg Waldo Hikulini, will also participate in concerts months the leaders of the orchestra Italians such as Claudio Labado ever Arab origin (son of the family of slaves in Andalusia) and Ricardo Haaa. The light music it may share prolific this month, too, there is a festival of jazz and music festival black with top artists from Brazil, Cuba, Mali, Nigeria and the United States, do not forget the film festival and painting exhibitions of modern and open markets for the sale of antiques. In short, confused visitor in choosing activities and events that can participate in the abundance of diversity and its high level tempting that did not spend his time in buying and shopping from the most luxurious shops, with marquee names or from small shops (boutique), which specializes in innovations skin and traditional industries famous, since the days of the founding unions craftsmen in the Middle Ages, but the workers who they made now may be from Italy or from Arab countries or China, in which case the largest Chinese community in Italy, inhabiting Florence and its suburbs and other cities in the province of Tuscany such as Arezzo, to the extent that the power company has become a bill will be sent consumption in Italian and Chinese since the past. Maybe lucky also believes that filming a motion picture films in the streets or squares of Florence honored, because many of the directors of their choice for their films of historical and perhaps some little film «room with a view» who pay British director James Ivory to fame twenty years ago, and the room was overlooking Florence and its countryside and learned English boys who came to draw on the assets of the principles of art and culture gram. If I fed from seeing this Badaya fashioned Supreme do not miss the opportunity to visit cities nearby located not more than an hour by train, like Siena over the city maintains a system of medieval in the division of biology and horse racing on the cobblestone streets, or Pisa's famous Leaning Tower or San Gimignano, nicknamed «Manhattan medieval» buildings and towers in the form of families were fighting from balconies. Where do you find all this history and art in front of your eyes and thought perhaps produce a movie to your account!
Where to stay
* Florence hotels to suit all budgets, but the most luxurious hotels are located in the center of the historic city on the banks of the River Arno, including:
Excelsior Excelsior and address Piazza Ognissanti, 3 Tel. 055 210278 (the finest hotel in the country of 5 stars) Grand Otel _ Tel. 055 288781 - Grand Hotel in the same arena against the Excelsior Hotel _ 5 stars. Furnished Renaissance style any Damascene fabrics and silk brocade and an excellent restaurant (60 euros or 75 dollars).
Helvetia and Bristol Via de Pescioni, 2 _Helvetia e Bristol - - Tel. 055 287814 (5 stars) in the center of the city looks like a luxury hotel, but other smaller ones but known to the people of the country and pools of precious marble room.
Mona Lisa Tel. 055 2479751 -Borgo Pinti, 27 - 4 stars) wooden palace of the fifteenth century and a quiet room where 35 Continental _ 4-star _Tel. 055 272622 -Lungarno Acciaiuoli -Continental - Domo (3 stars) Tel. 055 219922 _ Piazza Duomo _ Duomo Hotel Peletana (Star) Tel. 055 213561 _ Via dei Conti, 7 _ Hotel Belletini - comfortable small hotel run by three sisters and has a restaurant.
Where to eat
* Dishes months in Florence contains a special grilled meat, and there are chicken livers pureed vegetable soup and heavy drinking for winter and Rpolita its name, and where Asmkunha add cabbage, bread, beans and olive oil. One of the best restaurants to suit all budgets:
Aenotaka Pennekuori _Tel. 055 242777 _ Via Ghibellina, 87 _ Enoteca Pinchiorri the most expensive restaurant in Italy inside the Palace of the Renaissance era, became the hotels now after the renewal of the restaurant two years ago. French cook the meal and the quantities of small and expensive, while prices of more than 200 euros (or $ 275) per person.
Hibrio _Tel. 055 2341100 _ Via A. del Verrocchio, 8 - Cibreo eating traditional high of Tuscany, where is the balance between the traditional recipe and modern way in preparation. For ducks, but provides little pastries stuffed with raisins _ 70 euros (87 dollars).
No Giostra _Tel. 055 241341 _ Borgo Pinti, 12 _ La Giostra restaurant owner Amir is creative in cooking truffles and breakfast and Hloyate delicious tiramisu cake with chocolate, coffee and precious Simon Buchangra _Via Ghibellina, 124 _ Simon Boccanegra Tel.055 2001098 restaurant near the theater named after the name of the individual warrior knight Florence immortalized musician named individually in one of his operas. List of non-traditional food and a lot of fish Mufouh saffron and ginger.
Austiraa Antica _Tel. 055 2342836 - Via San Niccolo, 60 Osteria Antica eat traditional excellent with a touch of creativity Mthowdh home prices do not exceed 20 euros or 25 dollars.
Austiraa de Benxi _Tel.055 2344923 _ Via de Benci, 11 Osteria de Benci famous grilled meat and spaghetti with tomatoes, herbs and moderate prices.
Koshio (or eggshell in Italian) Tel. 055 224421- Via dell_Orto, 49 / a _ Guscio of the best restaurants in town and known to the people of Florence who Artadoh constantly because of the quality of food lamb or some varieties of fish and moderate prices (35 euros or 44 dollars).

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